Originally posted by Shawnz
But since youve NEVER EVEN SEEN the abortee (baby) and you haven't grown fond of it or its personality or the routine required for taking care of the baby, you have alomost no relationship with it.
You think that a mother has no connection with a child that has been growing inside them for weeks? of course the mother has a relationship with the child.. abortion is not a decision that many people make lightly, and many live with regret over it for the rest of their lives. it's not an easy decision. it depends on your cirumstances at the time of getting pregnant, if you can't support the child then thats not very fair to bring it into the world.. and dont say you can adopt it out bcoz then the child will grow up feeling rejected bcoz it's mother didnt want it, i dont think anyone would want that... this has grown into a religious debate so i will bring religion into it, i am catholic, but i dont agree with the catholic church on many of it's morals, for example: you arent allowed to used contraception, but then you cant have an abortion if you get pregnant? sounds a bit stupid to me really... a lose lose situation.
the main point of this is, that many of you are arguing this like it's a decision that mothers (and fathers) make on a whim, it's not an easy decision at all, and whilst the methods they use are quite brutal, they really are humane compared to what the child would have had to put up with if it were born