RE: Abortion Rates
I think it is wrong to abort a child, kill it in a way.. but it is also wrong to create this child if we don't want it.. protection should be better used.. ppl shouldnt have sex w/ whoever they meet 24h a week.. the risk of getting a women pregnant should be a lot lower.. it seems TO ME that ppl are having too much sex ( no matter how that sounds )
I think ppl have forgotten that this "pleasure" was really meant for creating life..
But anyways, I think it is also wrong to create a child and not give it the love, affections and wte it may need.
So I'm not for, not against abortion.. I think it depends of the cases.. as said above..
if a 13 yrs old is pregnant.. I mean come on!! ( Im mostly mad at how she couldve gotten pregant at 13 yrs old.. i dunt think ppl under 16 ( and this is a rlly. minium ) should be having sex.. ) well i think its better to abort her, not only so she can have a life, but also to prevent the baby from suffering.. i dont think u can actully be a good parent at 13 yrs old..