I think this is a great idea, I also like this one.
Originally posted by saralk
My suggestion
Before Posting
- Have you searched the forums for a thread that already answers your question?
- Is your question answered in the Messenger Plus! FAQ?
- Is your question answered in one of the sticky threads at the top of the forum?
Please Remember
- Write in proper, concise English, if you want support in your native language, you can go to the Spanish, French or Dutch forums.
- Do not write in AlTeRnAtInG ChArAcTeRs or "1337 5p34k", but in proper English, this makes it easier for other members to answer your question.
- Provide as much information about your problem as you can, for example, everything you have already tried, what version of Windows, MSN Messenger and Messenger Plus! you are using (type (!VER) in a MSN conversation window)