Originally posted by LittleK
I dont mess around with my messenger files, nore do i download malicious files. Im very safe with what i do, believe me. Yeah you may be right, maybe i did mess around, but how it explains that "You have signed into msn messenger at another location" pops up, whilst not having WM or any other version of messenger running, and bare in mind it did this twice , to me, doesnt seem like a faulty installation
This can be caused because of many reasons. eg: you used a contactlist cleaner, a block checker, whatever (all these kind of programs need to log in to your account in order to do their stuff), Windows Messenger is running in the background because it was started up by eg Outlook, etc...
I'm not saying you are not hacked and it is totally impossible though. But in practice this is useually not the case and it is much more frequent that some other program (eg: listcleaner, windows messenger) is the cause.
If you have XP, press ctrl-alt-del and list all your processes sorted on the username column (click on the column header). Easiest way is to make a screenshot (or couple of screenshots so they are all visible)...
oh, and change your password and secret question, just in case...