RE: [Self-Split] Collection Of Views Of The Current Forum
Look guys being a member of these forums with a fair few amount of posts, and an oper on the irc forums. I think I have a fairly reasonable view of what goes on in both.
Forums are ran by a team of what I'd call excellent Administrators and Moderators, they are very fair and put up with a lot of shit big forum mods and admins normally don't. So don't whine or moan when something goes wrong, Dz and Surfi are normally on the ball and aware of most problems with users as they happen. People argue people disagree but not much can really go wrong with the boards with the average user here.
IRC is in my opinion a completly different ballgame. I learnt from the very basics in #msgplus. I have moved across something like 5 servers to the support channels current home. I have learnt a lot about people and the way IRC must work to be some sort of sane community. Best real way to think of it is a channel is a classroom. Operators are teachers and users are pupils. Now most rules of human interaction are exactly the same. Take for example I'm helping one user/pupil and you interupt with SHOUTING I'm going to kick you in the channel, or tell you to sit down and shutup in a classroom. Theres no difference. Carry on and I'll send you outside my room. Which would be similar to a kickban. (Sorry if this is confusing but I'm trying to make it clear as possible).
Both are very different. Sorry if I mumbled. or Whatever but I'm tired and I jsut wanted to clear this up.
Feel free to contact myself if you have problems on IRC and I'll attempt to do my best. I'm sure other opers would do the same. Forum Moderator
Messenger Plus ex-IRC Network Admin
Gimme a Rep!