Originally posted by lou_habs
That is the main reason that alot oif members do not go on irc. The first two times I went I was abused, insulted, abused some more, banned/kicked for just saying hi. They didn't want a new person there, so they it seem like the person said/did something offending. Sure it's not in the support chan. But alot of people go on the chat chans..and then leave because they were abused of or banned.
I read this and found it hard to believe. I don't think you were abused the moment you joined and for no reason. IRC isn't that bad at all. I did a bit of searching in my #banana logs..
I believe this was the first time you came on IRC:
[04:20:09] * Joins: lou_habs (~msgplus@MsgPlus-9C58E5C.mc.videotron.ca)
[04:20:18] <@wacky> and there he is!
[04:20:24] <@Omar> you're not cool...
[04:20:28] <lou_habs> hey its you pplz
[04:20:29] <@wacky>
[04:20:32] <@wacky> yeah I am
[04:20:34] <lou_habs> hey wacky
[04:20:35] <@wacky> nah I aint lol
[04:20:37] <@wacky> hi lou
[04:20:39] <lou_habs> since when is your name wacky cool?
[04:20:47] <@wacky> I just replied to your post
[04:20:48] <@Omar> you body's temp is 37.5º just like everybody else...
[04:20:53] <lou_habs> lol
[04:21:05] <lou_habs> I need to be on here more often!
[04:21:08] <@wacky> lies omy.. mines at 20.34
[04:21:13] <@Omar>
[04:21:16] <@wacky> why.. this place sucks
[04:21:20] <@Omar> you ARE cool
[04:21:27] <@Ddunk> did you try another distro of linux lou_habs?
[04:21:27] <@wacky> haha
[04:21:49] <lou_habs> ddunk...I was able to make it work...and no only one distro...didnt like it
[04:22:01] <@Omar> doughboyy... this guy TylerG is making fun of you
[04:22:04] <@Omar>
[04:22:08] <@wacky> Now Playing: Murderdolls - I Take Drugs [00:26/01:43@128kbps]
[04:22:09] <@Ddunk> what didn't you like?
[04:22:17] <lou_habs> dunno...no imgs at all..lol
[04:23:03] <@Ddunk> there are a few with GUI, like redhat
[04:23:08] <@Ddunk> +a
(conversation continued with a bit of a discussion on linux)
I saw no abuse, rather, you were being helped.
A bit later...
[04:31:54] <lou_habs> does chaotic_shield ever come on here?
[04:31:55] <@Omar> its a torrent site
[04:32:01] <@Ddunk> invite only
[04:32:05] <@Ddunk> and yes lou_habs
[04:32:33] <lou_habs> alright...ddunk Im not used to being on here...how in the world did you make that thing go ping?
[04:32:55] <@Ddunk> Ping? Pong!
[04:32:56] <@Ddunk> that thing?
[04:33:01] <@Ddunk> it's the server making sure you're still connected
Same thing there ^
[05:05:41] <lou_habs> come on you lazy bums wake up and smell the roses
[05:06:10] <@wacky> roses have thorns
[05:06:39] <lou_habs> your dodgy imo
You could easily have been abused there but you weren't. You were asking for it.
[03:25:55] * lou_habs slaps XxRebelSeanxX around a bit with a large trout
[03:26:29] * lou_habs slapping time
[03:26:29] * lou_habs slaps AznAngel around a bit with a large trout
[03:26:30] * lou_habs slaps Dane around a bit with a large trout
[03:26:31] * lou_habs slaps Ddunk around a bit with a large trout
[03:26:32] * lou_habs slaps digital around a bit with a large trout
[03:26:32] * lou_habs slaps EvilSeph around a bit with a large trout
[03:26:33] * lou_habs (~louhabs@MsgPlus-9C58E5C.mc.videotron.ca) was kicked by Robot (Stop flooding!)
[03:26:39] <@AznAngel> owned.
[03:26:43] * Joins: lou_habs (~louhabs@MsgPlus-9C58E5C.mc.videotron.ca)
[03:26:43] <YBWZRD> pawned
[03:26:44] * lou_habs slaps Time around a bit with a large trout
[03:26:45] * lou_habs slaps Wabz around a bit with a large trout
[03:26:45] * lou_habs slaps Jenny around a bit with a large trout
[03:26:47] * lou_habs slaps paul|laptop around a bit with a large trout
[03:26:47] <lou_habs> sory bout that.
[03:26:48] * lou_habs slaps segbot around a bit with a large trout
[03:26:48] * Robot sets mode: +b *!*@MsgPlus-9C58E5C.mc.videotron.ca
[03:26:48] * lou_habs (~louhabs@MsgPlus-9C58E5C.mc.videotron.ca) was kicked by Robot (Stop flooding!)
That wasn't even done by a human. The bot banned you automatically for flooding.
[03:28:28] * lou_habs slaps lou_habs around a bit with a large trout
[03:28:41] * Robot sets mode: +b *!*@MsgPlus-9C58E5C.mc.videotron.ca
[03:28:41] * lou_habs (~louhabs@MsgPlus-9C58E5C.mc.videotron.ca) was kicked by Robot (flood.)
That wasn't justified at all, but we don't know what op kicked you (signkicks off) so we'll have to ignore that..
I searched for any time you were kicked..
[19:01:25] <lou_habs> 4,1€9«0©9»4,1€9«0©9» 4,1€ 9«0©9»4,1€9«0©9»4, 1€9« 0©9»4,1€9«0©9»4,1€9 «0©9»4,1€9«0©9» 4,1S 64;9«0©9»4,1€9«0©9»4,1 €9«0©9»4,1€
[19:01:26] <lou_habs> 4,1€9«0©9» 4,1€ 9WELCOM E 4,1€9«0© 9»4,1€ 9HUGS 4, 1€9«0©9»4,1€ 9 WELCOME 4,1̈́ 4;9«0© 9»4,1€
[19:01:26] <lou_habs> 4,1€9«0©9 »4,1€0,4 LittleK 4,1€ 9«0©9»4,1€
[19:01:26] <lou_habs> 4,1̈́ 4;9«0©9»4 ,1€ 9WELCOME 4,1€9«0©9»4,1 € 9HUGS 4,1 364;9«0©9»4,1&# 8364; 9 WELCOME 4,1€9«0 ©9»4,1€
[19:01:26] <lou_habs> 4,1€9«0©9» 4,1€....
[19:01:32] <LittleK>
[19:01:33] <ShawnZ> Holy fuck wtf.
[19:02:15] * lou_habs (~louhabs@MsgPlus-9C58E5C.mc.videotron.ca) was kicked by segosa (TURN IT OFF.)
That was something like the third time you showed the stupid colour banner after we told you to stop...
I also kicked you once because you kept joining, parting, joining, parting every minute.
Seems EvilSeph doesn't like noobtalk..
[19:26:36] <lou_habs> J00 MUST B0W D0\/\/|\| 2 ~|~|-|3 lou_habs()|_-|\/|A|\|
[19:26:42] <lou_habs> lol
[19:26:59] <@EvilSeph> http://www.web2messenger.com/forum/index.php/topi...g4306.html#msg4306 << this fuy is funny
[19:27:03] * lou_habs (~louhabs@MsgPlus-9C58E5C.mc.videotron.ca) was kicked by EvilSeph (.)
That's everything I could find. From the moment you first joined to now, that's every time you've been kicked.
I don't call it being abused, every time you were kicked there was a valid reason (bar one, and we don't know who did it).