First of all, I agree with Anubis and Cookie (edit: and Sunshine, of course), I think we see the problem from the same side.
In the time I've been back from my idleness I've discovered that there's a group of helper-wannabes who really have good intentions, but are not following some certain ethical guidelines while helping and convert the support into a race for posting the first and not a race for posting the best.
Other times there are different points of view, and I'm keen on discussing them because I like to see things from different sides, but I expect others to be just as open-minded to listen to others' opinions. Some threads have fallen into certainly harsh tone and, I reckon, I'm not going to allow people to insult my point of view, as well as you won't see me insulting anyone esle's. This points directly to respect. I had to bite my
tongue fingers quite some times to not to start acccusing of immaturity and direspect towards forum veterans or forum n00bs. It's not a matter of forum time, it's a matter of thinking one's above the rest and can easily insult or disregard what others say.
try to keep a respectful attitude towards those who start to aggressively defend their points, but I'm not an
Otherland's bot, I can't always be nice to people stating those who say "Bush is not a good president" are stupid. It's not the opinion one may have, it's the way one supports it, and insulting others is certainly wrong, but lately spreading around, sadly.
There's nothing staff can do, people have freedom of speech (to a certain extent), but there still should be an etiquette for everyone, implied or expressed.