I remember..
- forum 1 (without registered users, we were basically all guests who could post)
- forum 2 (free remotely hosted on crap services)
- forum 3 (devbb)
- forum 4 (mybb, this one)
Lotsa fun stuff to remember (and a few less fun
). The oldest thing i remember was on the first forum. There was a post under the name Patchou. It said he was stopping with Messenger Plus! completely because he was sick of developing and he basically told his users to go to hell. Lot's of replies (10 replies to a topic in those days were much) from people who didn't want Plus! to die and begging Patchou to change his mind. Some time later Patchou replied (the real one this time), turned out somebody posted under his name and we all felt for it. He wasn't considering to stop at all.
Originally posted by azn angel
KB was around but i dont remember why she left... why did she leave?
All i remember is that she decided to leave for good because of something she didn't like. Don't know what, probably a combination of things. I liked her, she gave great support, kinda like Sunshine is now