Originally posted by qgroessl
From my understanding the only thing that can go faster than the speed of light, is light itself. Which makes little sense to me still... But I'm very interested in this... It's the only interesting thing in science as far as I'm concerened.
The only thing that can travel faster than light is space. In a black hole space is being sucked in faster than light travels, so light itself cannot escape. Very simple explination.
Einstein also concluded that gravity was not a force but a warping of space and time. Light itself is susceptible to gravity.
Also as velocity increases so does mass. If velocity is at the speed of light (c) then mass is infinate.
As velocity increases time relative to the person experiencing the velocity slows down. If velocity is at the speed of light (c) then time relative to the observer stops.
Thus to reach the speed of light is impossible. Mass would be infinate and time would stop.