The biggest problem with defining things like black holes is that there is no true way to measure it and test to see where everything that is taken into a black hole ends up. For all we know, everything that goes into a black hole ends up in another dimension. Until we are able to travel into a black hole and come back out without being destroyed or lost forever, we will never truly know what happens when something enters a black hole.
The reason that a black hole is "black" is because of the lack of light allowed to be maintained in the area. It has no true color, but we (humans) visualize black as the absence of light and color.
As for the speed of light, there are many theories that may or may not apply. Again, the biggest problem is the lack of a proper ability to test those theories. For all we know, there could be a way to circumvent the speed of light by "stepping" out of this dimension/reality/whatever at one point and "stepping" back in at another. Though I read about the theory in a sci-fi novel (Orson Scott Card's
Children of the Mind) I think it's something that is entirely possible given the nature of the cosmos as we know it (if you want a more detailed explaination, let me know or check out the book for yourself).
I'll stop there for now because my head hurts and I could ramble on about this subject for hours.