There might've been a thread about this... But I searched and didn't find anything close enough to this to not make a new one... and this question just suddenly popped into my head.
How did you get started on the Messenger Plus! Forums?
By that I mean like, did you come here thinking you were going to stay around and be a member here for a long time. Or did you come here just to ask a question, then another question, and then another... and you never really left?...
My story:
I got tab manager for Stuffplug-NG, and I noticed this tab for the MsgPlus! Forums... I never used it for the first couple months or so, and then I started to notice that they were questions that were there... I'd look at the different questions people would have if they looked interesting, so I pretty much browsed the forums as a guest for a month or two. Then I joined the Newgrounds forum... I think I got like, 3 posts or so there?... It's like, one of the unfriendliest and disorganised forums out there... So I figured I'd give it a go and finding some friends here! I fit in Okay so I stuck around and here I am today!
Like I said... just something that I just thought of outta the blue and didn't find anything exactly like it in the search... The closest thing I found really was the
Messenger Plus! Forums History..