Originally posted by Methos2
i dont think your computer is even meant to be skinned
ive got a moderate computer, P4, 512mb RAM, maybe run a system clean-up and do a d-frag maybe? just a suggestion....
wb5 works quite nicely on my pc and on mike's pc which has more processes running than mine and has a slower processor.
Originally posted by rav0
Ummm ... so about your computer crashing ... use the VS edition if you can find it (and let us know where to get it), or use the beattiful "Windows XP, Blue (default)" VS instead Smilie.
Im back to my xmpc
It didnt crash btw, it just froze. And was slow to react
Now everything works perfectly except all explorer related actions are too slow.
All ram consumption is normal. The only thing is that whenever i perform an explorer related funtion the "processess" run by explorer jump from 0-49-72-49-32-7(actual display instant)-0
I thought it might be some cache memory problem or something ?
EDIT: I know about the ram usage system and in acutallity it slows your pc but the thing is, where is all the cache info for explorer stored. The ram or the system cache memory.
If its the earlier, thats why i wanted to clear it so it'd be slow for sometime but eventually itd be back to its normal position
If its the latter then tell me how to clear it
I have like 1008 mb of page file memory dedicated but it uses anywhere between 92(latent) - 108 - 132 (both normal) - 208 (higher limit)