Originally posted by Ezra
Originally posted by [MR
]i would if i could...its the computer i got out of the trash so there in no manual.
where is cookie when u need him
Cookie will tell you the same, the connectors are rarely on the same place on Motherboards, that's why you get a big manual with it
Try looking on the internet for the manual if you can find out the mobo serial, with Lavalys or looking if you see anything on the mobo itself.
nevermiond i sloved that problem...i followed the map on my MoBo to put those in. then i got it to get passed the bios and then there was just a blinking underscore so i remembered that from previous times with my nvidia graphics card...that MoBo doesnt support it so i have to use the MoBo's graphics card. so now im reinstalling windows xp. thanks anyways...now i cant wait to get tylerG's MoBo so i can have a good graphics card too.
EDIT: nothing worked out right i undid all that i did last night and this morning.