Originally posted by XxRebelSeanxX
I also need to know are you getting a BSOD?
whats this
Originally posted by XxRebelSeanxX
LATEST build of WLM.
umm...i got the 1 from an email about 2 weeks ago, this the latest?
Originally posted by XxRebelSeanxX
reproduction steps
this is hard
it has been running fine for 2 weeks or so and i have changed NOTHING no settings nothing
and then my pc just restarted and as soon as i signed back into WLM it did it again and then again etc etc...i cant run WLM for more than 5 minutes without it rebooting my whole pc!
as i said i havent changed anything on my pc or WLM,
i ran a norton virus scan and it showed 2 so i dleted them but i dont know what they were because i just delete viruses!