Originally posted by traxor
Get a new computer, because you can keep upgrading that, whereas the xbox 360 specs will always be the same... I've always been an xbox fan and last year I would've said "get the xbox 360", but now that I've played on an xbox 360 a few times, I'm really disappointed with it. My computer isn't brilliant, and call of duty 2 looks far better on my computer. One thing I have noticed with the 360 is that the anti-aliasing on pretty much every game released is terrifyingly bad.
Okay, that's interesting. My friend who is an xbox fan has something to say
1: Cod 2 on 360 has slightly higher res textures than the pc version so it can't look better
2: cod 2 has 4 x aa enabled, so the only reason it would look jaggy is the fact that the HDTV was not set up properly
3: If he was playing at say walmart, it might have been playing the demo disk containing a cod2 demo, kameo etc. If so, these were not the final build.
4: Most, Even High End (7800 gtx, 4400 X2 etc.), pcs, can barely make a 50 fps average let alone a solid 60 with no fps drops.
5: Most of the games on 360 at launch did not have AA because of time constraints. They were unable to use tileing.
6: Future games will continue to push the console as none of the games right now use the full power of the console.
7: Consider this. The xbox 1, with its 733 mhz pentium III, 64 mb ram and its 233 mhz geforce 3/4 hybrid, was able to play doom 3 at medium settings with a solid 30 fps. Now how is that possible when the console was released in 2001. The reason is that its a closed system. Pc games will always have to scale back their engines for lower range hardware and therfore don't have the ability to utilize
the full strength of your pcs hardware, whereas with a 360, the devs. will be able to utilize all the strength of the console.
8: You may have using a SDTV, which would make the game 640x480.
9: If you somehow think that there is a gpu on the market that has the same capabilities as the Xenos (360 gpu), then you are quite ignorant to its tech. The 360 gpu uses technology only to be found in the r600 gpu which has yet to be released. But, it also has something better than the r600. EDRAM. With this edram, the xenos or xenon, does not need to use its power to do AA etc. Look at some of the pc sites for a larger view at the potential of the 360 hardware.
He also wants to know your PC specs.