O.P. RE: speakers help
for tv i have , three
white and red aud0io, and the yellow video, i think input, cus i plug my xbox cord's into it , and on the back i have two, white and red audio, and yellow video, and the same for the other white and red audio, and yellow video, i can plug in a dvd plyerr into all three or my xbox into all three
these are all female
except for my xbox ones,
for the speakers i just have a 3.5 green audio male plug , that can plug into a mp3 player!
y adaptor is all male, with two gender benders on red and white audio , makin them female, and a 3.5 audio plug , that i have no idea what i need!
This post was edited on 04-18-2006 at 12:57 AM by vaiper.