O.P. Any way to handle the music (Current media) without displaying?
Here is my plan;
I want to take the raw song data from media player (or whatever) before displaying it.
I will read the song data,
I will look it up from a predefined list which has some lyrics from that song.
If song data is found, change PSM to that, and do not show media. (now playing as PSM)
If no data for that song is found, show the song as it should be displayed.
For example:
I'm listening Song Y from Band X. and some lyrics are "blablabla" (this will be in a text file or something)
Script will prevent displaying Song Y - Band X as the PSM.
Look it up in the list. (and find in this case).
Display "blablabla" Band X - Song Y. as PSM (not currentmedia).
In another case (if no data is found in the list for that song) show Song Y - Band X normally as media.
Any ideas?