Originally posted by linx05
Originally posted by Discrate
Well sexual assault has happend in the Australian big brother house last night at 4:00 am. Two housemates held another female house mate down in her bed and got there penises out and slaped her across the face with them while she slept. I find that disgusting and even worse when someone is sleeping. I think big brother is taking things to far and should be taken off. The housemates were pulled out of the house, but what is even more worse is that people are supporting what they did and that thoseto housemates dont even care what they did.
Your thoughts? Is the big brother shows taking things to far?
News report
Maybe you should get the facts right before you start making wilf accusations.
First off, she was not asleep. Michael and Ashley invited Camilla over to their bed. She goes "you're not going to turkey slap me are you?". Then they proceeded to tell her they wouldn't and she said she would "hurt them" if they did. John held down Camilla while Ashley proceeded to take out his penis and slap her on the face for 1 or 2 seconds. She moved around and laughed and squeeled and they stopped.
Then they were all laughing to which Camilla yelled out to everyone, "they just turkey slapped me!". After that she proceeded to tickley down as he pretended to play with himself. She stayed in the bed for a little bit longer.
Now, if you had the facts, you would see it wasn't that bad. Yes it was a bit uncalled for but she wasn't in any kind of stress or she didn't feel uncomfortable.
I feel sorry for the two guys. Their names are being dragged around in the mud for something trivial which has been blown out of proportion. Camilla didn't lay any charges and she felt bad for them leaving.
I've seen the video and it was innocent. If you want a true run down visit this site: http://www.behindbigbrother.com/showarticle.php?articleID=936 & http://www.behindbigbrother.com/showarticle.php?articleID=939.
In conclusion: SSE/Channel 10, made the biggest deal out of something that should have been a strike and a Firm warning. Their ratings were slumping and they wanted another 'scandal'. Like every year.
First it was the 'Belinda-gate', then it was 'the Merlin incident' then it was the 'Michael/Gianna incident'. Money, money, money.
Get your facts right.
I got my thing off a news report, then i watched the show tonight and found out the whole story.
So instead of mouthing off and saying i should get my facts right, write a letter to ninemsn and tell them that.