Omg you are alll not reading my posts. I posted this thread 8 hours before the bigbrother show went to air and told the full story. I found that artical on ninemsn and i put it on here to tell everyone and talk about it, i did not know it was wrong, there was know way i could of known it was wrong till later that night when i watched the show. So i did not get my facts wrong that artical did, what i wrote was off the artical, i didnt make it up, i didnt get it off friends, i got it off that artical. So i did not get my facts wrong, ninemsn did. But you are all saying i got my facts wrong and u still dont understand that thsi thread was posted 8 hours before there was a full explernation on what had happend.
When you go about spouting lies regarding an issue like this, it can hurt the people involved very much. I think next time you should get your facts from a better source next time.
How did i know that was half the truth? it was 8 hours before the show had happend i did not know it was half of the truth. So why say im spreading lies when actually ninemsn was, all i did was post here what ninemsn had said.
Discrate - Last updated Today at 01:45 PM
Negative: Hmmm hes sounds like a smart ass, ill see how it goes.Does not read my posts, then gets things wrong, i tell him to red posts again, he does not.
Smart arse? I am just delivering the facts. I read your posts and you still got facts wrong that weren't even in the article you linked to. Take your own advice please.
What does me giving you rep have to do with this thread.
A mod/admin please close this thread, people do not understand what i am trieing to say.