This is a very nice plugin, but as of my experience, it is far from RC1. It has a lot of nice, but rather complicated features, that mess up some (visual) things in messenger. What I experienced very ofthen (but not always), is a menu bar being displayed without reason on maximising/restoring window size. Also, some of other small visual "bugs" that are nor really fatal, but just a bit irritating...
Functionality of some features wasn't really really clear to me, even after testing.
Please, do not think of this post as of something negative, because I like this script really a lot, and the features you introduced are really nice, but as I have experienced it, this script is rather far from RC. Look at this post as to critics from someone who have tried the plugin and who liked it a lot, only experienced some difficulties with it
2 really very nice features you introduced that were a lot of use for me:
- remember keyboard layout for each convo
- minimum window size
Thanks anyways, I hope plugin will be less buggy in the future
Keep up the work!!