Originally posted by hell_flame85
but surely if u can change ur dp then u can have a animated dp just get it to change from pic1 to 2 to 3 ect every second or so and ur pic would be animated
But that isn't animation at all...
You effectivly change the DP every second, it wont be the same DP. This means that you constantly will be sending stuff to the messenger server and on its turn constantly to all your contacts. When you contacts aren't caching things, because they are on a public PC for example, your DP is constantly uploaded/downloaded. All this creates heavy bandwith usage.
By the time the DP has been updated on your contacts' side, you are probably already several DPs further. Making your 'animation' not smoothly and some changes will not even be seen at all.
Again, changing your DP every second is not something which is recommended to do, and it surely is not an "animated DP"; it still is a "different DP each second".
An "animated DP" is something which consists of 1 file and does not require constant network traffic; it runs locally...
What you are describing is a fast "slideshow" from several DPs to create the illusion of animation.
There's a big difference between the two.
Scripts can not make the use of animated DPs possible. No program can for that matter; you can't change how Messenger works that way.
Seano911, what you referring to are not animated display pictures. What Spleak uses is a
dynamic display picture.
Dynamic display pictures are made in Flash, they are not animated GIF images. In order to make a dynamic display picture you need to buy a (very expensive) license from Microsoft due to security reasons and the license is only given to companies.
Bottom line: it is not possible to make an animated display picture with any tool. You can buy them, but you can not change them, manipulate them, etc, not with an external program, not with Plus! scripts.