Originally posted by vikke
You could use the internal Messenger librarys such as MSNCORE and UXCORE to recreate the window without running the Messenger process.
many people would love you if you would do that...
But still, you would need to include some stuff like contacts, side tab content, and all kinds of content, etc in order to see everything as it would be in the real thing. Doing this all would mean you would almost end up with a total recreation. Not wordth the effort I think, when you could simply use the real thing.
I'm not able to make anything like this, nor would I know exactly how, but I do believe making a "protocol simulator/proxy kind of thing" is more easier and more generic. (and I know some people have already done something like this in a very very basic form)...
You can compare it with those proxies which intercept and send their own stuff via the protocol. As it is "just" that which makes people unable to test their skins: the connection.
Well I dunno. But I would be more in favor for such a proxy since you would be able to use that also, in a limited way, to test certain parts of Plus! (and other addons), to translate quicker, etc, etc.
Originally posted by stuartbennett
which is why unless it becomes possible to install multiple versions of the messenger software onto a single pc for testing purposes any skins i devolpe will only be compatable with whatever version of messenger i have installed at the time which at present is 8.5.
if anyone knows a way to have multiple versions of messenger installed on the same pc and run all 3 versions simultaniously then id love to hear about it.
Installing multiple versions has been done since years, by many people. And explained in many posts...
- Simply uninstall the version you currently have first.
- Then start installing the lowest version you want.
- When that is done, copy the entire folder (including its subfolders) to something like "\MSN Messenger 7.0.123"
- Then install the next version (eg: MSN Messenger 7.5)
- And again copy the folder...
- etc
Do this until you have installed all versions.
You can now run whatever version you like by running the msnmsgr.exe program from inside the version folder you want....
(PS: be carefull with WLM9, in case you are a beta tester, it is beta and the installer is not quite what it must be. And new libraries may corrupt the older versions. Some people have reported the above method doesn't work for WLM9, so...)
eg: I've currently got version 6.2 to 8.5 installed, including almost all different builds (of course the majority doesn't work anymore as you're not allowed to connect with them anymore... note to myself: start cleaning your HDD)