What would also be nice is a WLM preview with tooltips telling you what section of messenger is where. What I mean is this:
Have an interactive contact list where you hover over the display picture and it tells you the ID to look for to modify that element. Then hover over the wordwheel, and it tells you the ID to look for, etc. etc. It would be easier than searching through text documents for the elements you need.
Maybe even have a special "skin maker" kind of like the chat log viewer. On the left hand side, text documents would load when you hover over certain sections of messenger on the right. They would scroll down to the section of text that needs to be edited to change whatever you're hovering over.
I can't explain it to well with words, but hopefully you get the gist of it. This would all be offline as it wouldn't need to connect to messenger at all. There could even be a test messenger button that would skin a "fake" messenger image with the changes you have made.
I don't know if this is possible tho