Originally posted by Sunshine
Originally posted by azn angel
TO everyone else who says they cant afford it well why do you think I have proposed it for 2009? Seriously start saving.
A one-income family (i say family even tho it's just two here..what i mean is multiple persons with their own house and bills that come with that) really doesn't have 1500 euro's (and that's just the airplane ticket) to spend on a few day holiday/meet for one person, it's too much (to let you see how much that is: it's more than a months income!) and is most often needed for necessary stuff. It's not that i don't like Australia or don't have friends there..it's that i really am not that wealthy. Good luck on organising your meet.
Couldn't have said it better, however I thought about it and if I put back like $100 a month from my child support and paycheck, I could possibly afford it. I wonder how hard it is these days to get a passport.