m4rt1n4, i have added you to my contact list on messenger, i am lylatwars19 [at] hotmail [dot] com, as stated above we cannot write one of those "xxxxxxx for dummies" books on skinning its too vast and some things are just so complex that you cant really dumb them down easily.
however if your having trouble doing something specific then we can of course try to guide you through it, now then our conversation on messenger you said you wanted to change the background image in your skin, now im answering on here as its easier to control the layout on here than on msn.
in your skininfo file you need it to look roughly like this.
<SkinInfo xmlns="urn:msgplus
kins PlusSkins.xsd">
<Name>test Skin</Name>
<Description> A skin that has themes for all of your favourite TV Shows that you would put on your Sky+ Planner.</Description>
<MsgVersion Major="8" Minor="5"/>
<Version Major="8" Minor="5"/>
<Picture Id="20061">
that code gives you a basic skin which all it test is change every background in messenger to the picture Atlantis.png, all you need to do is compare the above code to your own and see which bits you dont have yet and add them in, for your skin itll be the bits between <Replace> & </Replace> from the above example.
if you get stuck let me know and ill try to help.