Originally posted by vaccination
Originally posted by Discrate
If you are breaking the law with something the police are allowed to confiscateit, well here in australia they are.. Here in victoria, we have laws that are nicknamed "anti-hoon laws" If you are caught drag racing, you car gets confiscated. If your car has to much sub woofers etc and its creating lots of noise your car can be confiscated. And also like in that video we have a problem with skateboarders in the city skateboarding in the wrong place. If you are caught your skateboard will be taken off you. If you refuse to give it up,it will be taken off you by force.
Did you even read adeptus's post?
Originally posted by adeptus
However, this video was taken in Baltimore, U.S., where certain individual rights apply
There is no requirement to surrender your personal property to the police without a valid warrant or a clearly stated intention to impound a vehicle (provided city of Baltimore extends police impounding to skateboards), with a proper receipt provided.
Yes i did read his post i am just stating what the law here in aus is.