Originally posted by Ryxpia
You can replace their whole name with a name of your choice, just right click, and select "Add a Nickname" and away you go.
That isn't actually what he/she asked. He/she wants to hide the personal message of his/her contacts.
Well, you
can simply patch the personal messages from your Messenger using a program like
A-Patch or
Mess Patch and select the option "Remove Contact's Personal Message" (or something likely) and patch your Messenger. However, you should be aware that this can cause conflicts when:
- you have a Messenger Plus! Live skin activated. In that case, the patch won't have any effect since Plus! re-patches it in memory with the resources of the Plus! skin.
- you have a skin installed which already patched Messenger. These are the skins which require you to replace some DLLs in your Messenger installation directory, or which have a setup which does the patching. In that case, Mess Patch may fail to patch the skin's resources or cause unwanted results.