Originally posted by blessedguy
You're welcome!
If I understood the last part...you've just gotta set foreground to a coor that almost vanishes (for dark skins...it would be dark gray for example) and for background you set something with low argb, for ex, argb=(30,255,255,255) then it will stay visible but not accesible...
And...hmm...there is an important thing for you to fix...you should nver use the consoliated windows defs and styles, cuz it will have your language, and other ppl won't be able to understand it...ok?
It has to be fixed or probably it won't go to the database
Well iŽve tried whay you said and it works fine, I do it cause the background I choose for that window has too many variations and it turns confused and disordered, so IŽve decided to remove these items to give a better apreciation to the background.
And Yes youŽre right about the defs and styles, IŽll fix that as soon as i can, so thanks again, to you and Basilis for the reps, maybe I need some help again, then IŽll ask for your help again
, for now this Issue is fixed, bye friends!