- I have an odd little thing where I have to check about 10-20 times that my mobile phone really IS off, even though I know it is, and it doesn't come back on when I press a button, but I just have to check again and again. This actually really annoys me. >_>
- I have a fluffy toy collection that well exceeds one hundred. Several of my toys are unique and I'm the only owner of them in all the world. Some people think I'm a little weird for it, but I love my fluffy toys so much.
- I don't like looking at 'plain' fish, things like goldfish, cod and trout. They really, really creep me out for some reason. Yet I can eat fish, and I think tropical fish are pretty. But something about 'plain' types of fish when they're alive and swimming, or when they're like in a shop and still have their heads and tails, really bugs me and makes me feel ill.
Not sure how interesting any of these are, but hey.