- I talk too much, all of my friends and tutors agree with me on this one!
- I am the laziest person ever and never finish projects
- If I have a deadline to do something by, that's pretty much when I start it
- I have never been outside of the UK
- I have a pedantic nature, especially when it comes to linguistics ("grammar nazi")
- I have never drunk alcohol or smoked anything, and I fail to see any reason to do so...
- I see patterns (mostly faces) in random things (my good friend Wikipedia just told me it's called Pareidolia)
- Like dt, I hate eating with metal spoons (and also drinking from cans)
- I don't like fizzy drinks (they make my eyes water)
- I search for just about everything in Wikipedia, and then lose hours from clicking on so called "related articles"
- I have a full collection of Star Wars Tazos/pogs \o/
- I will often spend hours finding a way to simplify/automate a task which would take a few minutes
- I have never broken any bones (although this would be more interesting if I had)
I can't think of much stuff that I would consider "interesting", this took ages to write