RE: Interesting facts about yourself
- Like other's have never broken a bone or sprained any joint either
- Eat anything without getting fat (actually once had a cup of pure fat from bbq drainoff for a dare)
- Never had any sort of illegal drugs or smoked
- I'm really lazy about things until I start them. Once I get started I'm almost a perfectionist
- I have this really weird thing when I go to say the word red, but I say the word yellow instead. It happens totally randomly without any sort of indication its coming, but as soon as I say it, I know I've done it. I have no idea what causes it or if its even called something but I've had it for as long as I can remember
- I have an almost phobia about answering a phone or calling people. I'll let the answering machine pick it up whenever I'm at home, and I'd rather wait to see something than pick up the phone and call them, especially people I don't really know.