Originally posted by [b
2nd result on google[/b]]
Now, to the actual uninstalling of Vista SP1. The process is rather simple and it involves the Package Manager. All that users have to do is open a command prompt with elevated privileges. In order to do so, simply type "cmd" in the Search box under the Start menu and right-click selecting "Run as administrator" from the contextual menu that will pop up. Identify the build number of your previous Vista SP1 installation and put in the following command: "start /w pkgmgr /up: VistaSP1-KB936330~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.0.0.". This is obviously valid for 32-bit machines. On 64-bit computers replace "x86" with "amd64". For confirmation enter "winver" and press Enter in the Run dialog box.
Don't people google anymore -_-