Originally posted by ShawnZ
Originally posted by Mike
Suppose I copy the Program Files and Windows folder (especially the Windows\system32\config folder), format the HDD, and reinstall Windows.
Now, as soon as Windows finishes copying the files, instead of booting into Windows to continue the installation, you would boot into an other OS, and copy back the files you previously copied. Then, you would boot into Windows and it should be pretty much the same before formatting.
you wouldn't even need to reinstall windows, because you'd just be replacing every file it installs with the old versions. you could just format and copy everything back, and you'd have the same effect. though, if you're doing it because of a failing hard drive, why not just run chkdsk?
you'd need boot ini but if you just coppied all the needed files it would probally work but, may be pointless, it won't fix an installation error but might help migrating hard disks, but you could just use some sort of disk image app