Originally posted by Mike
I wasn't talking about replacing files that already exist, but just merging the directories.
What do you understand about "merging" in that case?
Because for starters you also would have files which already exist on the almost-installed-Windows, thus those need to be replaced by the backup. If you mean merging as in one-way-syncronizing, then you wont replace any existing file, just copying not-yet-existing files.
For something like that to work, in theory, you at the least need a "replace" in the true sense of the word since there will be files which are already on the almost-installed-Windows which you need to update (eg: registry hives).
So a merge as in "one-way-syncronizing" will never work, even not in theory.
JBut just make a ghost image. That's the most easiest and fastest way to put Windows back as it was. Much faster than formatting, reinstalling, merging, etc... and fix your drive, or buy another one