Originally posted by X3_
You know if I could code I would do a lot more than that for sure
Then why don't yo learn to code? It's not that easy right?
Originally posted by X3_
Im just suggesting yet something more powerfull and main stream yet I keep getting this anti implementation of OTR....
I'm not anti-OTR, it would be great to have it, and have a lot of cool functions, but do you know why Plus! doesn't have them? Because a lot of time is needed to develop them and get something 100% stable, and afaik Patchou won't include third-party software (I may be wrong).
Originally posted by X3_
you dont work for Microsoft do you? only those guys are that blind to innovation...
Of course I don`t work for MS and I'm not against innovation, but you can't demand to have something when you don't even pay for it