Originally posted by Chancer
A few programs [url=http://www.google.com.br/search?q=cpu+temp&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozillat-BRfficial&client=firefox-a]here[/url].
If you're having problems with videos and games, check if the video card is clean too.
You said you have a lot of anti-viruses, and now, many browsers. I may be wrong, but I bet you also have installed a lot of different programs with the same function. You may consider choosing your preferred and uninstall the others. Your Windows' registry can be kinda messed with all those apps.
Well, I used to run a website, then I'd test it with some ones...
Will uninstall some programs, leet's see if it gets better =)
Core#1: 42ºC~45ºC
Core#2: 42ºC~44ºC