Originally posted by djdannyp
Originally posted by P.J.
Thanks mate. I have no idea why they dont bundle all this stuff into one program.
It'd be great if you could download msn messenger and just start chatting. All these other programs and add ons and bla bla bla, drive me spastic.
They really should put it all in one program.
Does anyone know how to customise colours? I have 4 people in my house who use msn (most of the time, at the same time). When a message pops up for me, it's orange. Wife is blue etc etc. Now, even though I customise my contacts screen, the chats are all blue.
Can this be done? I promise, no more questions after this one....
Messenger Plus! Live is an add-on for Windows Live Messenger developed by Patchou. It's not part of Messenger and it's got nothing to do with Microsoft, that's why it's not bundled 
When a chat pops up the colour of the window is determined by the colour that the other person has their messenger set to.
So for example if you choose to colour yours red, then your chat window will appear red to whichever contacts you talk to
Yeh, thats my problem. I've picked orange, my wife has blue but all contacts (hers and mine) are coming up blue.....