Again, new version (and probably the final one)
- ^ASM^ suggestion: In the left, where all the items to be transated are, I've added an icon. If you see a green arrow, the item is in the translated Lang_*.ini file or all the keys in the section are in the Lang_*.ini file. If there is a red X, the item is not in the Lang_*.ini file (let's say, a new item of a new version) or the section has any item not present at the Lang_*.ini file. Well, it's better to see it than trying to undestand my english
- sock suggestion: Implemented \t and & tags (it's impossible implement \n). When reading from Lang_*.ini files, those tags are converted into a real tab and an underlined character. When saving, the opposite thing is done. Don't expect that this conversion is done in real time while typing Also, be careful if you type next to a underlined character: more than one character may leave underlined.
- RTL languages: Well, I've done all I know and more to support RTL languages, but can't do more (also VB 6 doesn't offer all I'd like) I've implemented some code to show those languages correctly (as sock said in his last post). I'm not sure that is the right way but I tried. sock, I'm very sorry about it: my program can't handle RTL languages correctly. I'd have liked (english expression?) to accomplish that, be sure of that (and if one day I know how to do that, I'll do). I've not implemented the \t and & tags in RTL languages and saving will not work (there are a lot of handicaps when implementig the saving function with RTL).
- I think the program is finished now unless new bugs are found or suggestions are said. So you can donwload it from the 1st post and use it with the new forthcoming version of .20. I hope you enjoy it.
- Again, thanks to everybody who helped me to make this program.
Originally posted by gfd
runtime error 5
Heh, you get that in all your programs, choli...!
yes... bad arguments passed to functions
Originally posted by sock
You can drop this if you want, I am fine with editing the .ini files manually
That wasn't my intention but I can't do anything else. Although you say you're fine editing the files manually, I'm not feeling good about that