Originally posted by Chancer
The translations are way too long and don't fit within the available space.
You can test setup translations like so:
- Start the setup file from the version you want to translate.
- Go to your Windows Temporary Files directory (usually something like C:\Windows\Temp)
- Locate the subdirectory that the setup has created for temporary files (eg: C:\Windows\Temp\msgpl_xxxx.tmp)
- Copy your current translation over one of the translation files located in that subdirectory.
Thus for the PT-BR translation:
Copy Lng_Portuguese(Brazil).ini over Lng_Spanish.ini for example.
- In the setup of Plus!, switch to the language you just have copied over.
Thus for the PT-BR translation, click on Spanish if you copied over the spanish translation
- You can also easly make corrections on the fly by editing the copied translation in that temporary directory. Each time you make a correction, you must again save the file. After that you first select a different language in the setup (eg: English) and then switch back to the language you were using (eg: Spanish if you copied over the Spanish translation).
Note: after you have closed the setup, the temporary directory will be removed. So make sure you keep a copy of your updated file somewhere else.