Well in my point of view, do it like this...NO CC# involved unless you know what you are doing, or else you could fuck up

and dont use greenzap...people say it's a complete scam...
So, if you are selling virtual stuff Use :
- Paypal
Paypal cause if, per example, you are selling software, after downloading, people want to download it right away, not wait for a Code to come home by mail and support shipping. Also, virtual stuff shopping is mostly made by experienced users, so they are(most of the times) used to paypal, and handeling with their CC# there, so let them stay.
If you want to sell Physical Stuff :
-Paypal payment and physical delivery
Paypal 'cause people pay right away, and in the next few days they recieve it at home, without having to even touch money, and then they'll think.."OMG internet shopping pwns..And [INSERTSITE] is so efficient."...To get that confidence straight 2 things out :
- You pay the shipping, or maybe they do it, but everything is done through paypal, no physical money involved, so they dont have the notion they just payed something.
- Ship things in a Trustful company (FedEx bla bla bla)..
- Delivery Payment & Delivery
Delivery is just great if it's some kind of Book/software/hardware/OS..That fast heart beat, when the mail man rings, and you go there, and pay..then you rush into your bedroom to open it carefully but with speed

...Everythings cool, but know let the costumer pay the shipping 'n stuff, you just mail it, and then colect the payment.People will also think it's great, but if the price is low and increases like 20% with shiping, people will get disapointed, so maintain the prices + shipping..
Those are my 2 cents