O.P. [Request] Remove user from multi-conversation
Would it be possible for anyone to make a script where the person that invited someone into a conversation can remove them? - I for one think it would be extreamly useful!
Yes, tricky, because messenger offers no functionality to kick someone out of a multi-party conversation. It's quite deliberate, designed to enforce some sort of manners - if you don't like the conversation, you can leave it, but you can't boot people out of it.
there's a way to do it.. but is not perfect... It should be possible make messenger close that conversation and open a new one with all the people exept the black sheep LOL but... the other conversation would be open on the rest of the chaters but they can always close it (sorry my english)
The documentation doesn't seem to give any easy way to leave a chat (probably quite easy to work around, just close the window one way or another), or to invite people into a chat window (could be harder to work around)
I'm hoping the future will bring a bigger toolkit for use with MPL scripts