Originally posted by Rubber Stamp
icons are always a prob. my html files show up wid the "unknown filetype" icon. which i really hate. try setting the default icon through a program like stylexp or icon packager
Icons are shown because of the file associations. You don't need any program to set icons, and especially not a styling program which has got nothing to do with file associations...
The reason why the html files have a "unknown filetype" icon is because:
- they aren't associated with any program
- the program they are associated with doesn't have an icon (extremely remote)
- You (or a crappy program) has removed the icon from the file association properties...
To fix this you need to either associate html files with a program or re-set the icon for the html file type. You do this in
Windows Explorer > Tools > Options > File Types, find the file type, select it, click on
Originally posted by MeEtc
It means you might have a virus. It happened to a friend of mine before. I believe it was LoveLetter that did it. All of the mp3's were hidden, and the file was replaced with a copy of the virus with the same name of the mp3. So every time you went to play the song, oops! you just execute the virus again...
an mp3 can not contain a virus; It is not an executable format.
The icons didn't change either. The virus simple added _another_ file with the extension VBS, (not mp3). Vbs is the extention for VBScripts and are executables and of course has a different icon. So the virus didn't change the icons at all.
Originally posted by Rubber Stamp
manually change them then..use something like DESKTOP ARCHITECT
as said, you don't need any 3rd party program at all.
Originally posted by Blair
have you tried repairing the icon cache? very long link
good luck...
That is for default system icons like the ones used on special folders like "My Computer"...
PS: Please if you post long links, shorten them and use the proper [URL=http://xxxxx]yyyy[/URL] syntax... Long links like that mess up the decent view of a thread.
Originally posted by rav0
Also, if the icon have been changed in appearance, but it is still the same icon being shown, just now modified, not a different icon, reinstalling Windows Media Player and/or Windows might restore them.
If you mean that they are kind of pixelated, then you don't need to reinstall anything (and certainly not the entire Windows OS). Instead change your colorsettings to the correct bit height (eg: 24bit or 32bit instead of 16 or 256 colors)
Reaper's problem is simply a question of file associations, nothing else. He installed some program which automatically assigned itself as the default program for the media files. Or he accidently re-associated the old Windows Media Payer as his default media player.
He can fix this by re-associating (the new) WMP to his media file types as describe earlier. Or manually fix this for each type by going to
Windows Explorer > Tools > Options > File Types, find the file type, select it, click on
advanced, and setting the appropiate fields.