Originally posted by alby
Originally posted by NiteMare
wheres out presents
lol, I'm just dying to know what it could be..
I don't know if this is true but it might be if .Lou is right
(7:39 PM) .Lou//NEW YORK H: SECRET: I think I may know what us connect testers will be getting at the end of this
(7:40 PM) SonicSam: what ?
(7:40 PM) SonicSam: I think its a T-shirt or a Bobby head or a pin
(7:40 PM) SonicSam: bobble*
(7:40 PM) .Lou//NEW YORK H: a password finger print thing
(7:40 PM) SonicSam: !
(7:40 PM) SonicSam: tho they are 70$
(7:41 PM) SonicSam: how do you think you know ?
(7:41 PM) .Lou//NEW YORK H: well ya anyway, from my info on the inside, they made the latest wlm compatible with it. One guy said "I don't have one, if you send me one I'll test " and a programmer for wlm said "Good answer"
(7:41 PM) SonicSam:
(7:42 PM) SonicSam: but if they do send them to testers, you know it will take months to arive ?
(7:43 PM) .Lou//NEW YORK H: So, who cares?
(7:43 PM) .Lou//NEW YORK H: They are sending us something for sure.
(7:43 PM) SonicSam:
(7:43 PM) SonicSam: ok gotta go xbox calls
(7:43 PM) SonicSam: bye