Hey guys, last night I released Ev0 5 for Messenger 2011. It's my first skin for 2011 (well asides from SWTCH, which I'm still waiting to get uploaded) and I'm pretty happy about it.
March 15th also marks the 6 year anniversary of the very first skin I did back in 2005. So yeah its been a good ride so far.
Anyway since 2011 is really strict on the sort of things you can do there were a few things about Ev0 which I couldn't really salvage, one of them being the unique toolbar effect I had going and the other of course being force to use a proper window frame. But to compensate for this I decided to add the new advanced color picking system I have built which allows you to pick your own colors and apply them to the skin.
I've also mixed scenes in with the skin so you can create some pretty cool combinations.
Anyway this is the oldest skin in existence, dating all the way back to Messenger 8.0 and I am still proud of how well it has been received with every new version.