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Netscape = illness?
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RE: Netscape = illness? (have fun cookie :P)
i agree. i use mozilla Firefox because i find it faster and slicker.

and for running real files, use real alternative.
02-22-2004 11:22 PM
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RE: Netscape = illness? (have fun cookie :P)
I think there are some good reasons to be bashing Microsoft.... Some of their software can get really frustrating. The thing is, they don't fix or improve their software once it is popular: When was Windows XP/Internet Explorer last improved (besides security updates)? Why does my entire MSN Messenger 6.1 hang for about 10 seconds whenever someone is added to a multiple-person conversation (or leaves it)? (or could that be Plus?:P)

I also feel that they don't always give enough information and control: Web scripts can take control of IE's functions (displaying animation in the Status bar, disabling the right-click menu, hiding standard menus, etc.), MSN Messenger won't tell me who invited me to a multi-person conversation (which is very important for privacy), things like that.... I generally think that they're too rushed to release new fancy big features, instead of focusing on the little things and improving existing software, which is more important to the users IMO.

Oh, and I also think that they (and most other software companies) use too many resources, which forces people to buy new computers... A computer is a tool, not an entertainment center. Sometimes I wonder why famous applications are so slow, when I see how fast some other less-known applications are. I have to admit though, that IE does start up pretty fast. IMO, that's its best "real" advantage over other good browsers (the "unreal" advantage is that it's like a worldwide standard now, and that it ships with Windows).

IE isn't that bad, and neither is MSN Messenger. A lot of effort has been put into creating both. But it's those small things that make the difference, and it seems like they are never going to be fixed/improved. We'll just have to wait for the next major release (Windows Longhorn in IE's case:'(). I'm not saying Microsoft is a crappy software company -- doing what they did is a great achievement. But I do think they have some wrong software strategies. I gave you some real-life examples. I'm not saying this because I think it's cool to put Microsoft down. :p It's my sincere opinion about their software.

And by the way, I doubt many other companies would do much better than Microsoft. When the company gets this big, the small details are forgotten, and it's just the big fancy new features that they focus on, to compete with other companies. Adobe Reader 6.0 loads as slow as hell, for example. Very unpleasing.

Well, that's all I have to say. :p
[Image: patchoulolhaxun7.jpg]
02-23-2004 02:31 AM
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RE: Netscape = illness? (have fun cookie :P)
First off, Muss, I think ur little pic. thing is prety aweful :S Secondly, I hate REAL player too, but I have it bcz there are still quite a few sites that use .ram :S Also, Microsoft isn't as bad as people make it out to be, though they do have their faults, but still, I found this one prety funny (look what the extra buttons say: )

[Image: attachment.php?tid=21614&pid=204685]

Though I find this funny, I haven't had one problem with my XBOX...oh wait.....it crashed 4 days after I bought it and I had to get it exchanged *-)

OK, nevermind what I said b4 about my XBOX being problem free ;) but AFTER I exchanged I didn't have any problms with it...until I tried to get on XBOX LIVE....ok, AFTER THAT! I didn't have any problems with it...8-) (;))

Sock, in SP2 this summer they will be making improvements to IE such as Tabbed Browsing and a dwld manager, so you can't claim they NEVER update it ;) Just rarely ;)

.jpg File Attachment: XBOX_mock.jpg (16.63 KB)
This file has been downloaded 503 time(s).

This post was edited on 02-23-2004 at 02:55 AM by .blade//.
[Image: A%20Pointy%20Rock.jpg]
02-23-2004 02:44 AM
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RE: Netscape = illness? (have fun cookie :P)
I dislike Real too. Fortunately, it seems like it's almost gone from the world, so I don't have it. :)
Now it's mainly QuickTime vs. Windows Media.

I agree that some people exaggerate with the Microsoft-bashing.

SP2 will bring tabbed browsing/download manager to IE? I didn't know that, I thought it would only add a pop-up blocker... :shocked: But anyway, I don't like the idea of making a browser update available only in an OS service pack. That doesn't make much sense to me. :-/

This post was edited on 02-23-2004 at 03:05 AM by sock.
[Image: patchoulolhaxun7.jpg]
02-23-2004 03:02 AM
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RE: Netscape = illness? (have fun cookie :P)
Well I guess, but it will be standard on future OS...it's kinda sad how long ppl drag out a series though, like "windows" and "playstation", can't they be just a little original? lol
[Image: A%20Pointy%20Rock.jpg]
02-23-2004 03:20 AM
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RE: Netscape = illness? (have fun cookie :P)
IE is faster because some parts of it are loaded at windows start-up.. very sneaky.. :dodgy:

have you people ever tried to download IE? That service pack must be big :'( (FYI: IE is between 11-76MB big!! (average 25!))

And don't forget to d/l your updates every month!! They might have fixed some unfixed bugs

Originally posted: here
The keyword for this series is “choice” as in “You have a choice of which browser, or browsers, that you will use.” Everyone has this choice. Even if you work at some draconian salt mine which requires a specific browser, you should be able to install another browser in addition to it. If you can’t do that (and some places won’t allow users to install any software), you can always install Opera at home and continue to use your other browser at work.

Very often I find that people who use Internet Explorer have gotten used to putting up with all sorts of things that they assume (incorrectly) that they cannot change. They think that they have to accept popup windows. They think they have to accept constant security patches — and you’d be amazed how many people have no idea how many security patches they are missing! They think they have to accept a browser that controls what they can do and what they can’t do. They think that the web is a lot slower than it really is, because many times what is really slowing them down isn’t the web, it’s IE.

If you are using Internet Explorer, try a week with Opera, and see what it’s like. If you find a site that just absolutely requires IE, then you can use IE for that site.... but you may find that you soon prefer Opera.


It has become increasingly popular to wrap some sort of a skin around the Internet Explorer engine and try to pass it off as a new browser. Of course the problem is that they are building on a flawed foundation, full of bloated code and security holes. No matter what you lay on top of it, you can’t fix all of IE’s flaws any more than you can put a cow in a silk dress and think it won’t smell.

This post was edited on 02-23-2004 at 09:45 AM by user2319.
02-23-2004 09:37 AM
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RE: Netscape = illness? (have fun cookie :P)
Real = Shit.. and this bullshit about them taking legal action against MS is just crap. MS is trying to develop a home PC which can be used for entertainment, and streaming media as well as general use. I personally think they are well within their rights to do whatvever they want. Real doesnt like it? They can just go to another OS then.. there software is crappy, and streams badly compared to WMP.


[Image: 1-thumb.png]

You cannot say that is an attractive interface, it has everything you need.. (sure i have customised it a bit but it just shows the potential this browser has).

(You can see and read more @ http://surfichris.hosted.tv/?postid=19 :refuck:).

Anyways, i also agree about netscum, its pretty much a waste of a bloated browser now.. but i really like firefox! :drool:

This post was edited on 02-23-2004 at 09:52 AM by surfichris.
02-23-2004 09:51 AM
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RE: RE: Netscape = illness? (have fun cookie :P)
Originally posted by Chris Boulton
Real = Shit.. and this bullshit about them taking legal action against MS is just crap. MS is trying to develop a home PC which can be used for entertainment, and streaming media as well as general use. I personally think they are well within their rights to do whatvever they

I don't know why real is taking legal action, but it's probably because wmp is included standard, right? (that seems to be hot; sueing ms for that :tongue: )

well, I don't care, but I do want to be able to choose at installation to NOT install wmp, outlook, movie maker (or whatever it's called) and all that other shit..
02-23-2004 10:11 AM
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RE: Netscape = illness? (have fun cookie :P)
Originally posted by PlusFan
I don't know why real is taking legal action, but it's probably because wmp is included standard, right? (that seems to be hot; sueing ms for that )

Yep, thats exactly it..

Microsoft is fighting back against the anti-trust lawsuit that Real Networks took out against the software giant. Real claims that Microsoft illegal used its monopoly power to restrict competition and consmer choice in the digital-media space by forcing Windows Media Player on Windows users.. :rolleyes: again!
02-23-2004 10:34 AM
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RE: Netscape = illness? (have fun cookie :P)
Just readed all off the posts

a) I hate REAL also, first they where good but suddenly they changed habbits and then disliked it

b) I use MyIE2 because it contain's the functionality from IE, but added more things, also uses parts of the IE user interface, added tab functionality, added plugin functions, and more features, because it's not IE self, it's more safer then IE
* Huuf thinks that

p.s. Sorry if my spelling is bad, just got up
02-23-2004 10:36 AM
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