Originally posted by toddy
if all the money when to the artist, minus the cost of the cd n recording the song. i would go out and buy the cd, coz then i kno the money is off to the artist, who as you have said works hard to produce the song.
And where would you buy your CD if the production houses, music labels, and stores wont get money, in other words, will not spread and sell the CD because they don't get enough money in profit to do so??????
And also, so you would be pleased with a raw, unprinted CD, without a box and without any booklet etc.? because that costs money also, and the printing services wont do it for free....
And all the money, minus the other costs, goes to the artist. If you wont buy CD's, but rather bluntly download them (because you think they are too expensive), you steal even more money from the artists. So, if you're so concearned about the artists, and don't wanna give money to other people, then don't download songs and don't buy CD's. In that way, you wont loose money and the artist wont loose money....
An artist makes songs. He want to share it with other people. Of course the artist doesn't have the means to spread his songs on CD and to make an actractive cover, booklet, etc... so he contracts a dealer for his services, a printer to make the booklets, etc... Of course that costs money, and of course you are gonna pay for it....
If you make a program (which will take you 12 monts to program) and you want to share it but you don't have internet, you will need to contract someone to spread it for you. This all costs money too and you, of course, expect that people will pay for it instead of downloading it from an warez site...
Or, so you have job.... I'm certain that the product you're making costs more then your monthly paycheck. Why? Because there are other things involved then only "making" the product......
It is all the same........
If you want to have something, you expect it to get it free or for a little bit of money while if someone else wants something from you you want to be payed for it???? Talking of double standards and hypocritical.......................
Please, don't give me this oh so typical comments: "if all the money goes to the artist".... "if they just didn't make it so expensive"... "the law says this and that".... etc... etc...
Those arguments are rubbish and shows that you don't know how things work. And the fact remains that in 90% of all the countries, downloading songs instead of buying CD's is stealing, no matter what argument you give or whatever you call it....
You can discuss this until eternity, it still will be stealing if you simply download songs without buying the CD........