it was on thursday but i didnt remeber to tell this
...ok remember i was doing a flash report 4 history..i went all happy i had the best work in the to the school pc (has a projector linked 2 it)...i inserted the cd with: Win Rar , My report , and studio mx...i was almost certain that school didnt had macromedia flash player or the browser flash i took studio mx to install flash mx that installs the player...the prog was in rar...i said to the teacher it'd take 10 minutes to install it
..i forgot the rar descompression
...ok it took 10 mins to extract the i start to install flash IT CRASHED...15 minutes till the class ends..did the flash decompression again...(more 10 minutes) started to install crashed again
...the teacher said it was our fault(it was a group work) and now we'll have to pass it to paper..
...i went to see the system resources
... it was something like this...
533 Mhz..
Windows XP SP1
64 mb ram
how the fuck did they want to get anything in to that..i didnt remeber to check the HD supose it didnt enough space
....well im suposed to present in paper tomorrow but i got a crappy flash player , dont know the name, that installs it self iin 1 minute and im gonna present it in flash, i was horrible..
..F**** SCHOOL PCS!!
...oh but all of them have wireless net so sometimes when we have pc at class we surf