thats right u got it bro, if the computer with the isp is off then the card is off which will cause the other computer not to access the internet bingo?!
since the card is hooked to the motherboard and the computer with inet shuts off the motherboard shuts off two and the card so the other pc cant access the internet when the other computer off.
This post was edited on 01-15-2005 at 12:38 AM by MC.POP.
O.P. RE: best way to network to computers wirelessly
so if i get dem belkin pci cards. wts an easy way of connecting ma modem to it coz i dont reli wanna have to have da pc downstairs on wen i want to use the inet upstairs... lol
O.P. RE: best way to network to computers wirelessly
card? pci card? sorry, im kinda confused. ma modem is a router. apparently it got adsl router everywhere dont say modem... so would i need to buy ANUVA router or is there sumat i can get for dis crappy one?