Hey guys.
Looking for a bit of advice. Family computers been running really slow on the web and eventually freezing. Tracked this down to adware,spyware,malware...probably everything you could install on a machine.
Anyway, I ran SpyHunter tonight in the hopes of removing a certain program called BargainBuddy(there is no uninstaller btw). During the serach it threw up files called
- msdos98.exe
- mine.exe
- uninstallms.exe
- reg66.exe
They are all located in c:\WINDOWS\mine.
What I would like to know is wether or not, it would be safe to delete these or not.
We're going to start playing with the registery on monday after a system back up wich could lead to a format, but I don't want to spend the next few days reinstalling
All help appreciated