Interesting topic.
-dt-, I think whatever your stand is, as long as you present the issue well, you'll get a good grade
And, I'm sorry, I might not be able to give my opinion, because I'm not sure what my stand is. (Convince me with your stand

You guys might want to know about the latest death penalty verdict in the US.
Scott Peterson was sentenced for death for killing his wife named Laci, and his unborn fetus, Connor.
The thing that I found immoral when I heard the case for the first time was, he offered $500,000 (I guess) for anyone who found his wife. Well, eventually you know, the wife was found died.
He admitted that he was the killer, and his family tried to convince the jury that he was not a cold blooded killer.
And I think, on the last trial which resulted putting Scott in the death row, Laci's family expressed their emotional anger. On the other side, Scott's family didn't give a word. They might realize there was no way for him to escape.
I'm not really sure about this. I was cooking
Okay, now do you think that Scott got what he deserved or not?
This case has been quite popular in the US recently.
You can find tons of news from the Internet.